Helping Hands Grant Program


Is your husband gone…again?

Boy, do we understand that.

Are you a little swamped with little hands while your husband is deployed?

Do you need a break?

Everyone asks what they can do to help while he's away, but you don't know how to respond?

Let's be honest: what you really need is help doing the dishes, someone to hang with the kids so you can go to the doctor...or get your hair done...or just sit in peace for 30 minutes at your favorite coffee spot enjoying your latte while it's still hot.

The ladies of Special Forces Shield Maidens know. We've been there. Our team has a combined 60+ years of SF wife life under our belts and have juggled it all through 51+ combat deployments. When we put our heads together for programs to serve the Women Behind the Green Berets, our Helping Hands Grant Program was born!

How does it work?

If you, or someone you know, is married to a deployed Green Beret and could use some Helping Hands, fill out this form.

We will accept submissions on an ongoing basis. Submissions will be reviewed on the 7th of each month and recipients will be notified on the 15th.

This award can be used to hire a babysitter so the Special Forces Shield Maiden can take care of herself, be it a doctor appointment, hair appointment, kid-free breather, night off cooking, grocery delivery fees, etc. We believe self care is extremely important and want women to be able to take something off of their plates or focus on themselves guilt-free.

Have you read this far and want to help sponsor a Helping Hands grant? We are an all-volunteer organization and 100% of donations received goes directly into our non-profit’s mission. We greatly appreciate our private and corporate donors. If you are interested in making an impact and would like to connect with our admin team, we would love to hear from you!